Old Isleworthians - year of 1952 - Personal Histories, School Days and Hobbies

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OIs were invited to submit brief personal histories of their time at IGS, and/or subsequently, which may be of interest to other OIs. Best advice is not to write anything that you don't want the whole world to know! However all entries are password protected before posting on this site, to ensure reasonable confidentiality.

The documents are in pdf format. Adobe Acrobat Reader automatically prompts for the password before opening them in a new window. After viewing, just close the Acrobat window and return to this page.

Please choose a history from the links below

Personal Histories

Bob Allgrove| Ian Atlee| Peter Crook Anthony Darling Alex Evans| Tony Frostick| Ralph Hicks| Peter Horne| Roy Hough| Tony Irving| Eric Johnson| Stuart Johnston| Mike lane| John Marshall| Roy Marshall| Robin Marshall| John Mills| Roger Owen| Dabid Searle| John Shaw| Brian Stockman| Barry Sutherns| Geoff Tanner| Peter Turney| Jack Walters| Chris Wilkes| Bob Wynne

School Days

And here are some more personal informal memories. They've been very lightly curated to protect the innocent. To view them, you'll need the same password to view them. Click: Memories . Should you wish to contact any of the authors, Stuart has a list of email addresses and will forward your email to make initial contact so they can respond if they wish.


And if you liked the histories and memories, try some of these hobby photos and clips:

Ralph| Peter 1| Peter 2| Roger| Stuart

Anything to Add?

Brings back memories? If you have enjoyed these histories and hobbies, and yours isn't here yet, please think about writing one and get in touch using the about email link.

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